SOME GOLDEN HARBOR – snippet 46: The southern half of the building had racks, but crates and a jumble of loose gear were piled in the aisles. Daniel saw the noses of several missiles facing out from the other half of the building, but there were boxes in front of...

1635: THE CANNON LAW — snippet 64

1635: THE CANNON LAW – snippet 64: James Nichols was trying to hide his genuine surprise at finally seeing Ruy Sanchez in the flesh. Surprise so great that it bordered on outright shock. The man didn’t look at all the way he’d thought he would, from Sharon’s...

1635: THE CANNON LAW — snippet 63

1635: THE CANNON LAW – snippet 63: But no sooner did they reach the front door to the embassy than their plans got scrambled. The big double doors were yawning wide before the servant who was preparing to open it for them got within ten feet. Through it came...


SOME GOLDEN HARBOR – snippet 45: CHAPTER 12: Bennaria The spacer from the Armed Squadron unlocked the riverside wicket in the fence surrounding the Pool; he gave it a tentative push. The vines growing through the wire meshes held it closed. “It’s...

1635: THE CANNON LAW — snippet 62

1635: THE CANNON LAW – snippet 62: CHAPTER 23 Rome “Well, that could’ve gone better,” Sharon said to Ruy after seeing Frank and Giovanna out. “Frank is not so young a man as he once was, Sharon,” Ruy said, in that rumbling he-man voice he put on when he...