SOME GOLDEN HARBOR – snippet 32: The water taxi’s electric motor began to arc and spit before it’d carried Adele and Tovera more than halfway to Krychek’s ship. They wallowed. “Can you get us to shore?” Tovera said. Adele couldn’t...

1635: THE CANNON LAW — snippet 50

1635: THE CANNON LAW – snippet 50: CHAPTER 19 “Well, this is a grand house,” Giovanna remarked. “All of ’em are, around here,” Frank said. And it was true. The USE Embassy was in a very nice neighbourhood indeed, on the outskirts of the...

Current writing progress

Just to let people know, the final draft of 1824: THE ARKANSAS WAR has been accepted by Del Rey, so that’s done. I’m just finishing 1635: THE CANNON LAW at the moment, and should have that turned in next week. At that point, I’ll take a short break...


SOME GOLDEN HARBOR – snippet 31: He laughed. “I suppose I ought to regret that choice,” he said, “but I don’t. I don’t care that some dimwit from Bennaria gets angry any more than the Academy Provosts did.” “I was puzzled by...

1635: THE CANNON LAW — snippet 49

1635: THE CANNON LAW – snippet 49: “If Your Eminence will forgive me, I have some prior knowledge of the character of Ruy Sanchez de Casador y Ortiz. It is the defining character of the man that he is honourable, almost to excess in certain matters, and he is...